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at this rate we might actually have full AI-generated movies within a couple of years instead of the five i thought it was going to take

obscure blender api question 

has anyone messed around with custom render engines in blender? following i have a basic thing working, but i cannot get GPU drawing like the examples in to work in the view_draw method...

the GPU examples work for me, but only when i use bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add. when i try and move that logic into my render engine's view_draw method i don't see anything.

that was my one and only take on tim apple, pls don't defederate

if they solved the limited FOV, short battery life and dimness of previous AR goggles, it will be worth the price for a lot of people. if not, it will be another overhyped tech demo

what is everyone using for random numbers for games that need a more natural random number distribution than plain rand()?

every time i see a metafilter link on here, i audibly gasp

A friend in Germany just sent this to me. This is how gaming journalists took a #screenshot, back in the day.

i love how the NPC dialogue in TOTK is modified by the weather. such a simple trick but it works really well to ground them in the world.

Enough of fooling around.. Time to get serious about lights and shadows, and to build some scenes! Here are some repeating cylinders, borrowed more or less directly from Shadertoy :) The two images differ in the amount of Simplex noise mixed into the hatching vector field.

Welcome! We’re very happy to announce the preliminary launch of The Rosebush, a new online magazine for interactive fiction theory and criticism. The purpose of this preliminary launch is to let the #InteractiveFiction community know that we exist, and to invite submissions. We hope to begin publishing early this summer.

Find out more at our website:

in absolute awe of the Zelda:TOTK physics engine. to be completely stable while giving the player ability to create arbitrary constraints is an incredible achievement! also very curious how much it will break at 60+ fps in emulators.

when the #train always stops in exactly the same place, the air conditioner always drips in exactly the same place, and a tiny #ecosystem is born <3


fun safe math optimizations you say 🤔

Japan - great country, but a complete and inexplicable lack of trash bins

RT @Rattapoom_K
In recognition of Bùi Tường Phong, (裴祥風) The mathematician that gave us Phong shader. The CG world wouldn't have existed without you

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this is where the cool kids live