@selfsame hehehe
@nasser "i've played a creative technologist simulator, does that count?"
Announcing! Our new miniseries:
💧 Into the Depths: Caves of Qud 💧
Join us for Part 1 as we interview Qud devs @unormal and
@ptychomancer about their 17-year (!!) project. Featuring special guest co-host @games_by_jack
@selfsame chonkosaurus
@kaho they are!!
A few hours left to apply to the Draknek New Voices Puzzle Grant! Make sure you get your application in before 23:59 PST TODAY ⏰‼️
The Caves of Qud tutorial beta is now live on Steam, itch and GoG!
If you're Qud-curious, now is the best time to jump in before the price increases in a few weeks.
Getting #GodotEngine oiled up to the state it is now, where development speed is so incredibly fast and there is such good harmony with foundation, contributions and community took many many, _many_ years of refining processes for development, contribution, release management, moderation, etc.
I will do a talk about it at GodotCon in a week explaining parts of this process!
Pressing the fork button takes a second. Learning to do what we do takes a tiny bit more 😞.
@nasser damn! keep the board and replace all the pieces with one piece that moves diagonally!
a humble render farmer