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I claimed a pixel from and I discovered that I am shit ass at doing math by hand.

I'll be running Skirmish Society Live along with the game's artists, Chris Hernandez, on Sunday 7/30 at Wonderville in Brooklyn!

We'll get things rolling around 3 and play for about 2 hours. During the time you'll make friends (and enemies) with the other IRL attendees.

Fans of Diplomacy and other wargames will right at home. And if you've been curious to try out the genre, here's a fun and quick (as these games go!) way to dip your toes in.

The bar will be open!

#nyc #wargaming

i keep getting really good ideas in my dreams but it’s always other dream people’s projects so it feels like stealing

a couple of weeks ago i had a back spasm that was so painful i could barely move and decided to go to the ER to make sure it wasn't anything super bad. they gave me some advil and sent me home. it cost me $1,495.12 out of pocket

i pay $550 a month for health insurance

#Riseup is hiring 🥹

Riseup Networks is seeking a Systems Administrator:

Gooooooooooooooo 🩷

at a Brooklyn Best Buy checkout right before closing. huge rat runs by

me: yo thats a big rat

cashier: yehh, it’s nighttime

got a sleep tracker device and its obvious that they decided that saying anything negative about your bad sleeping habits is not ok, so it's a lot of stuff like "Good sleep last night! You should take it easy today and go to bed early"

who called it object oriented programming and not class struggle

Godot 4.0 was so good, we made a sequel!

Thanks to 300+ contributors and four months of improvements and polish, #GodotEngine 4.1 is ready for your projects.

Read more in our announcement:

Hypothesis: The Fediverse consists almost entirely of adults.

I expect most youths are drawn to the large corporate social networks; but those of us who took the effort to come here have likely experienced the Internet before most of those existed.

Of course, the only way to test this is by collecting data using the most scientifically rigorous method available to me: a Mastodon poll, lol

(I expect this will only reach English-speaking Fedi, but do boost if you're able)

⬇️ What is your age? ⬇️

joining every new social network just to help immanentize the collapse of the previous one

“You, boy, what social media website am I posting from?”

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this is where the cool kids live