@nasser not sure if a vulkan one is useful, but you are added to the vega repo I think
@nasser nice nice nice!
obscure blender api question
has anyone messed around with custom render engines in blender? following https://docs.blender.org/api/current/bpy.types.RenderEngine.html i have a basic thing working, but i cannot get GPU drawing like the examples in https://docs.blender.org/api/current/gpu.html to work in the view_draw method...
the GPU examples work for me, but only when i use bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add. when i try and move that logic into my render engine's view_draw method i don't see anything.
Check out the plans and timeline for the third generation of Grease Pencil! 🚀
https://code.blender.org/2023/05/the-next-big-step-grease-pencil-3-0/ #b3d #DevFund #GreasePencil #b2d
@helvetica i blame Sokoban
A friend in Germany just sent this to me. This is how gaming journalists took a #screenshot, back in the day.
Welcome! We’re very happy to announce the preliminary launch of The Rosebush, a new online magazine for interactive fiction theory and criticism. The purpose of this preliminary launch is to let the #InteractiveFiction community know that we exist, and to invite submissions. We hope to begin publishing early this summer.
Find out more at our website: https://the-rosebush.com/
when the #train always stops in exactly the same place, the air conditioner always drips in exactly the same place, and a tiny #ecosystem is born <3
@GameDesignerBen i always forget i have it turned off and have to do a double take every time i see shit like “Sex With Hitler” and “Orc Massage” wedged in between top rated games
a humble render farmer