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This podcast is really interesting - how teenage engineering makes cool stuff. I’ve only listened to half of it so far but great to learn about their process! there’s a YouTube video version of the interview too.

So I heard on Japanese news that they named the surrounding rocks with dog breed names cause it would help imagine the size of the rocks by thinking if the size of the dog. That’s pretty genius if you ask me.

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Picked up some bad habits during covid like doom scrolling. Never did that before - hated spending time on my phone. I’d always get the shittiest smallest refurbished phone, kept fixing it, replacing parts as it broke (so many cute tiny parts! 🥰) Now I have a mid level phone that’s only 3 yrs old. been using it to consume media and games - actually no longer games, just media. Recently made it so that it turns completely monochrome during the evening hours. Let’s see how effective that is.

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We are happy to announce the launch of the new NGI0 Commons Fund. Its aim is to reclaim the public nature of the internet.

Offering small and medium-sized grants for free and open source projects across the entire technology stack.

First call opens February 1. If you are working on a project that contributes to reclaiming the public nature of the internet, do apply.

With many thanks to the @EU_Commission 's #NextGenerationInternet initiative.

Found my mom’s old English book that has a bunch of expressions referencing the literature it comes from. I guess she used it to study when she was young.

There’s an e-ink device called the Boox Palma that is only slightly wider than a mobile phone. It runs Android and takes photos w flash etc. if it were a phone I’d seriously consider it ok. I dunno.. it looks v cute and calm to me.

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Are businesses named acme exclusively for old cartoons? I thought it was like a generic american business name. Like the foobar of American entrepreneurialship basically.

guess what!! you can pre-purchase helldivers2 on steam. i love helldivers so much, i can't wait for the new version to drop. ✨

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We're trying something new! Join us Thursday Dec 7th 5:00 p.m. NYC time for the first ✨ EMMA Skillshare ✨ a livestream of our talented members sharing their skills and techniques with each other and the world!

Follow us here or subscribe to our new YouTube channel for updates!

This week @nasser shares how he solved tricky audio/state synchronization problems for a client's experimental interactive performance piece by pushing JSON data over a QR code video feed 👀

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When: 11 December (Mon) 19:00-
Where: asobu & Discord
Special guest: Marie Leblanc Flanagan will host a little zine workshop! So come early if you can.
Can’t wait to see you all!

A curved digital panel at an escalator that I pass often. Are you thinking what I am thinking? But what if it’s not?

Browsing local twitch yesterday, saw a streamer playing this game looked interesting. They were literally trying to escape the room!

I forgot to post this before but this is an activity at the Tokyo Auto show a few weeks back. Basically if you’ve seen the Teamlab activity where you draw a fish and it gets scanned and put into a projected aquarium with other people’s drawn fish swimming about, then this is similar. You draw a race car and then it gets scanned and you can race it against other people’s drawn cars. It was cute to watch.

Is it even possible that maybe it's actually taken a whole week to recover from the flu vaccine? I feel so much better today. My body has basically been like fuck you kaho, while my immune system is like, i will take this as a learning opportunity thank you. i guess... 🧍🏻‍♀️

Tokyo International Car Show 2023 aka Japan Mobility Show was fun. 🚗 “some days don’t go well…” 🤷🏻‍♀️

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unrailed! is such a good game to play with friends who are far away. it's coop and about trains and has overcooked vibes but not as intense. It doesn't take long to play, unless you're like pro maybe? So it's satisfying and not too time consuming. such a big fan of this game. probably good for all ages too!

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this is where the cool kids live