We're trying something new! Join us Thursday Dec 7th 5:00 p.m. NYC time for the first ✨ EMMA Skillshare ✨ a livestream of our talented members sharing their skills and techniques with each other and the world!
Follow us here or subscribe to our new YouTube channel for updates! https://youtube.com/@emmatechcoop
This week @nasser shares how he solved tricky audio/state synchronization problems for a client's experimental interactive performance piece by pushing JSON data over a QR code video feed 👀
@lauraehall these look like toys✨
When: 11 December (Mon) 19:00-
Where: asobu & Discord
Special guest: Marie Leblanc Flanagan will host a little zine workshop! So come early if you can.
RSVP: https://eventbrite.co.uk/e/gmz-meetup-25-with-marie-leblanc-flanagan-tickets-770309645887?aff=oddtdtcreator
Can’t wait to see you all!
Browsing local twitch yesterday, saw a streamer playing this game https://store.steampowered.com/app/2653790/The_Exit_8/ looked interesting. They were literally trying to escape the room!
I forgot to post this before but this is an activity at the Tokyo Auto show a few weeks back. Basically if you’ve seen the Teamlab activity where you draw a fish and it gets scanned and put into a projected aquarium with other people’s drawn fish swimming about, then this is similar. You draw a race car and then it gets scanned and you can race it against other people’s drawn cars. It was cute to watch.
@GameDesignerBen oooh you have birds with cameras?
@nasser I wanna play this game sounds dope
@ivan hope you feel better soon.
unrailed! is such a good game to play with friends who are far away. it's coop and about trains and has overcooked vibes but not as intense. It doesn't take long to play, unless you're like pro maybe? So it's satisfying and not too time consuming. such a big fan of this game. probably good for all ages too! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1016920/Unrailed/
@ivan Elmers
rant about ui ux ブーブーブー
Wow what a disappointment. new fitbit app ui is so boring/terrible - not rewarding to look at. like any of the fun that was there has completely been taken out of it. Got a simple monochrome fitbit during pandemic to track/improve sleep/exercise. didn’t want a bulky smartwatch w tons of features. I look at the accompanying app several times a day to check stats. Google bought it 2 yrs ago, has now introduced new dead “minimalist” ui w out access to old ui. Lol nice one.😭
time for another iteration of #GodotHelpDesk 🙋
are you working with #GodotEngine & you’re running into any problem and want some help? Reply to this thread with your question, we’ll try to help! 🙌 (this includes you, person coming from #Unity!)
are you experienced with working with Godot, try and help out in this thread with answering some questions. 🙏
for more in-depth questions, i’ll try and solve them live on stream later today over at @watch ! 📽️
boosts appreciated!! ✨ #GameDev
I am Kaho Abe, media artist and game designer. メディアアーティストとゲームデザイナーの阿部香穂で〜す。よろしくお願いします。 ★彡