the sad part is actually that i know it's probably my fault, but can't find the reason

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random crashes in luajit that don't happen in regular lua is very sad

The Caves of Qud tutorial beta is now live on Steam, itch and GoG!

If you're Qud-curious, now is the best time to jump in before the price increases in a few weeks.

Getting #GodotEngine oiled up to the state it is now, where development speed is so incredibly fast and there is such good harmony with foundation, contributions and community took many many, _many_ years of refining processes for development, contribution, release management, moderation, etc.

I will do a talk about it at GodotCon in a week explaining parts of this process!

Pressing the fork button takes a second. Learning to do what we do takes a tiny bit more 😞.

@ivan thats why its called low level programming ❤️

the roll your own engine highs are high, but the lows sure are low

just found out you can dump visual studio exception info in C++ on a crash to a file even in a release build and then open the file in visual studio and have the call stack and locals with all the line numbers (optimization permitting more or less) intact. this is game changing for debugging crashes on other people's computers.

python tk is nice if you need a UI for something dumb fast

me and myself after i find out that the feature i'm implementing was already implemented by me months ago

UFO50 is so wonderful. what an achievement! what a value!


join us next week September 26th at 5:00 p.m. NYC time as worker-owner @nasser walks us through the coroutine system he developed that powers most of his personal practice and a lot of EMMA projects! if you're interested in unorthodox control flow, architecture for interactive software, or writing code that exists in physical time then this one is for you!

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this is where the cool kids live