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Does it count as a 7 day fps if you spend a year working on the engine?


here is a new open source alternative to perlin noise: octavia noise

it is a lightweight fractal noise algorithm. it is generalizable to n dimensions. it is not based on gridded points, and does not exhibit linear artifacts.

this is suitable for terrain and other procgen work where organicity and reducing grid artifacts are important, especially situations where slope artifacts are important. the initial js implementation takes 4x as long as value noise.

MRMO-STITCH, my Blender cross-stitch embroidery emulation process, is out now!

Check it out at :D

ChatGPT writing shaders 

ChatGPT can write Shadertoy shaders!

It tried to fix it and while an improvement, it's still not quite a hammer and sickle.

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Impressively, it also provided me with somewhat correct GLSL shader code when asked what shader I should use to draw them.

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Asked ChatGPT to give me the OpenGL code for drawing a hammer and sickle and it gave me vertex and index buffers and valid code for drawing them, but the buffers seem to only contain 2 rectangles.

good news, fediverse! After a 6 month hiatus is open again! Plenty of new objects and I'll be shipping in time for the holidays. Boosts welcome!

Maybe the very last Babycastles event ever? Certainly the last one on 14th Street in Manhattan. Come say goodbye, December 3rd & 4th.

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this is where the cool kids live