join us next week September 26th at 5:00 p.m. NYC time as worker-owner @nasser walks us through the coroutine system he developed that powers most of his personal practice and a lot of EMMA projects! if you're interested in unorthodox control flow, architecture for interactive software, or writing code that exists in physical time then this one is for you!
We're hiring a Technical Administrator at @spritelyinst! This position is both technical and organizational... more or less you'd be helping the Executive Director (me) carry out the mission of the organization using FOSS tools. https://spritely.institute/news/come-work-with-us-hiring-a-technical-administrator.html
You don't have to be a programmer to take this position, but you do have to be comfortable with using and *learning* FOSS tooling (such as Emacs and Org-Mode, which are used heavily in the organization).
Non-traditionally CS paths to using FOSS tech are welcome; particularly excellent for someone who is early in their career as a free and open source enthusiast, or a humanities graduate student who uses technical tooling to organize their work, or someone who has established experience in the organizational end of FOSS ecosystems. If you feel that assisting in the organization of a FOSS nonprofit while using or learning particular FOSS tools is appealing, apply! https://spritely.institute/jobs/2024-09-12-technical-administrator.html
Came across "ethically sourced Lena image" recently https://mortenhannemose.github.io/lena/ and found an excuse to make use of it in a test today 😁
Okay, you asked, and now there's a hand near the mouse to meet the one on the nearby socket as well. Thank you all for the suggestions so far. (already on Nodezator's dev branch as well). #Python #nodeeditor
every ROM of the Arabic MSX clone the Sakhr computer has been dumped and emulated, available in the browser at https://www.file-hunter.com/Arabic/
not sure if ive shared this before but its an incredible resource
the project is a physical sliding scale for a sandwich shop/bakery cooperative in my neighborhood. their sandwich prices are sliding scale and I thought it would be fun to have a little widget that let people pick the price! unit with the potentiometer is customer facing and the unit with the display is staff facing.
the co-op: https://www.seaandsoilcoop.com/
a humble render farmer