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Are there any good talks or articles on game server protocol design that focus on (or at least mention) security / anti-cheat stuff?

note to self: dont 'git reset --hard' a newly created git repo :(

Just for fun did some tests with beautiful cloud from
in my path tracer. I'm currently working on improvements, but in such cases my renderer is still slow

i taught a course called "Programming with data for artists and designers" this semester at NYU. schedule, notes, readings and example code available online here: the course introduces Python and Pandas from the ground up, as a means for undertaking basic exploratory data analysis

yeah the saxophone was invented by a guy named Adolph Sax. sure buddy new RIP Corp and it is a doozy of an episode!! Tantalum, labor strikes, colonialism, war, a million things. I am nervous about it because there's so much packed in here and also it's based on some of my master's thesis research so it feels kind of precious to me.

All my physical games are back in stock - that's World Ending Game, The Cloister, and The Ground Itself. I did reprints! Exciting.

They're available from

i have a very specific need that Blender doesn't support (ignoring the N•L contribution) that is so simple that i am considering compiling a custom version from scratch

using my unemployed free time to work on a little notion-like note app that's a single html file you can keep on your own computer

If you want to know how the #COP28 UN Climate Change Conference is going, this post says it all...

Currently working on (vector) input prompts which will include icons for all common controllers, plus keyboard and mouse! Once released they'll be available for free, public domain (CC0)

#gamedev #gameassets

We're trying something new! Join us Thursday Dec 7th 5:00 p.m. NYC time for the first ✨ EMMA Skillshare ✨ a livestream of our talented members sharing their skills and techniques with each other and the world!

Follow us here or subscribe to our new YouTube channel for updates!

This week @nasser shares how he solved tricky audio/state synchronization problems for a client's experimental interactive performance piece by pushing JSON data over a QR code video feed 👀

being able to play Caves of Qud on the Steam Deck is gonna be the end of me

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this is where the cool kids live