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Came across "ethically sourced Lena image" recently and found an excuse to make use of it in a test today 😁

I was explaining to a friend what issues I was having when trying to work with vector stuff, and then mid-explanation understood what I'm supposed to do to get results like this :D

@andymakes for Star Scum, I started with a kanban board and then over time it just naturally migrated into a single page on Notion that is basically just a text file where the hard TODOs are mixed with random less important ideas. it's nice to have it all be on one page and then i can move things up and down to de/prioritize things.

i may not have gotten any sleep starting a Civ game at 1 a.m. last night but i feel good knowing that Brazil learned a valuable lesson in not talking shit

Okay, you asked, and now there's a hand near the mouse to meet the one on the nearby socket as well. Thank you all for the suggestions so far. (already on Nodezator's dev branch as well). #Python #nodeeditor

every ROM of the Arabic MSX clone the Sakhr computer has been dumped and emulated, available in the browser at

not sure if ive shared this before but its an incredible resource

the project is a physical sliding scale for a sandwich shop/bakery cooperative in my neighborhood. their sandwich prices are sliding scale and I thought it would be fun to have a little widget that let people pick the price! unit with the potentiometer is customer facing and the unit with the display is staff facing.

the co-op:

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are there any tools that take a JSON file and spit out a static HTML site from it?

life in the country really feels like Rimworld sometimes

this is wild. are there any other examples of a physical device being used only as a mental model at advanced levels?

@nasser this implies an outcast society consisting entirely of people who make those websites

i just uploaded the copy file from my game to chatgpt and asked it to translate it to Russian and it made a nearly flawless translation while keeping the structure of the file and all the special variable tags in it. it even took some very good creative liberties around some of the more esoteric card names.

if you let a witch stay at your house, they will sometimes leave you plants and potions as thanks

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this is where the cool kids live