The tech and UX is certainly interesting, but I can't imagine this being practical to incorporate into day to day activities. Humans are picky about things they have pressed against and directly affecting the skin and body. That's why you cut a tag out of our neckline when it's itchy or you're gonna try to find the most comfortable office chair to sit on at work or you're gonna wear your ridiculously worn out tshirt when you get back home.


BUT comfort can compete with health, livelihood and social motivations. So if you have sleep apnea and need to wear a machine on your face when you sleep to have a long healthy life, you'd do it. Or if you have to wear a scratchy uniform for work that you'd get fired for if you didn't wear, you'd do it. If you wear uncomfortable shoes cause they look fly, you'd do it! There're ppl who wear shoes that make their feet bleed but it doesn't matter cause they look GOOD ok (totally fictitious example)

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