
Was watching die hard 2 w some friends the other day, and in the beginning of the film, the protagonist is on a plane wearing wierd cumbersome stethascope like earphones that are attached to the armrest. Totally forgotten there was a time when the transducer was not located in the ear part but was located in the armrest and there were just tubes that went to the ears to carry the sound. If you took off your stethoscope earphones and pressed your ear to the armrest, you could hear everything.

This only shows that over time the electronics has slowly creeped closer and close to the body. Ha ha. I guess with lower costs and miniaturization it makes sense.

While I don’t wear tubes, I wear wired earphones, instead of earpods. For some reason sticking a wireless electronic device into the ear cavity inside my skull, right next to the brain gives me the heebijeebs tbh. They seem to be quite popular tho!

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