its wild to me how hard it is to share files between laptops and smartphones that are in the same room
@nasser Airdrop is like 50% of the reason i stay in the Apple ecosystem
@ivan this is a solvable problem!!!
@nasser @ivan as much as I hate the loss of SD slots on devices, mounting as USB mass storage has always worked for me; have you seen that be unreliable?
@technomancy @ivan yeah for some reason I can't get this to work consistently. idk if it's my cables or what.
@nasser @ivan Where is the 2000s dream of yeeting files between computers by waving your hands The Expanse-style
@n1ckfg @ivan we were promised this and hovercars 😭
@ivan @nasser check out Hyperduck for
this is where the cool kids live
@ivan this is a solvable problem!!!