had no idea the 3d filesystem from jurassic park was actual existing software and now i'm questioning every over the top CG hacking scene i've seen
@toolbear @ivan see also: https://htop.dev/sightings.html
@hisham_hm @ivan
A treat for me, too! 😊
@hisham_hm @toolbear @ivan Now, I really want to believe there is a master hacker dolphin, like in Johnny Mnemonic.
@ivan this is unix... I know this.....
@ivan This is wild. Love god's little spotlight on that one file.
@ivan Don't worry, most of them are still fake. And the one in Jurassic Park was still not used in the way it was in the actual OS.
@ivan You might also enjoy Eagle Mode: https://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/
@ivan if you want to do some over the top CG hacking of your own, there is a clone called "fsv" with a fork that's supposed to run on modern linux machines, and probably could be convinced to build on a mac with an x server https://github.com/mcuelenaere/fsv (although probably a lot of distros including brew package it already). there is also a windows version complete with prebuilt binary https://github.com/thiekus/fsvwin
@ivan somebody has also modded Minecraft into an interface for docker and I’m absolutely about it. https://github.com/docker/dockercraft
@ivan Yeah, sure, next you're gonna tell me that two people can use one keyboard. https://youtu.be/kl6rsi7BEtk
@ivan Indeed. On older IRIX versions (up to 5.x) it is actually usable as a (sort of ) file manager.
@ivan Next you'll be telling me that all those "Zoom—enhance!" scenes are accurate! 😆
I seem to recall that someone actually built a working *nix OS based on the LCARS interface used in Star Trek shows. Maybe we should never underestimate nerds.
@ivan I mean, you could ask, some people know these things =P
@ivan SGI used to have a demo booth at Disneyworld where they had some Indigo 2s set up and this was one of the example programs, so my fantheory is when she says "this is UNIX! I know this!" that's actually plausible and just at some point her family took her to disneyworld and she spent the entire day at epcot at the SGI booth teaching herself IRIX
It's not a real hacking scene if it doesn't have Protracker in it.
@ivan Whaaaat?! Really??
@ivan from SGI IIRC ...
@ivan@coolkids.house there's kind of a clone that runs on modern systems ;3
@ivan psdoom anyone?
@ivan it's a great way to separate the fake geeks from the real geeks.
fake geek: lol computerz don't work like that.
real geek: yes they did.
@ivan No. Fucking. Way. 😲
instance name checks out
@ivan@coolkids.house this looks like hammer what the fuck
@ivan I think the original SGI IRIX fsn version (on an Indigo?) got ported later from the enhanced SGI motif widget set to the standard one, when 3D graphics were available outside SGI.
There also is an OpenGL based open source clone: fsv
@ivan I need a modern version of this for Linux or Windows... For reasons...
@ivan@coolkids.house mygod is a software graveyard 🤣🤣🤣
@ivan in the olden times they stored their files in Minecraft?
@ivan It's real, but it's very much not fun to use if you're in a hurry. Definitely the sort of thing a company with too much money and a CEO with too little sense would demand to use.
@ivan I wanted an Irix system so bad. Did buy a used SGI monitor once.
@ivan fuck this one file in particular
@ivan disturbingly coffin-like files
@ivan those red blinky computers in the background are real too
There are some open-source remakes and clones. Here's one:
This one uses the same concept and is slightly more modern:
I'm not finding anything that's actually maintained.
@ivan I could not compile the official version so I found an updated one with GKT-2 support.
When I change the view to see a tree-like structure the application is not rendering anything except the master-thesis.
@ivan I always thought that the filemanager was built _after_ Jurassic Park came out -- that some software engineer watched the movie, was amused by that scene and then set to work. But that might be getting the order of things in reverse
@ivan Did you have any doubts that „The Lawnmower Man“ was real?
@ivan Oh yeh I remember running that on the SGI's we had at Uni - but that was just after JP came out - so I'm curious how much earlier it was written?
@ivan Ah, those Motif bevels. I miss CDE sometimes, too.
@ivan@coolkids.house brb adding a matrix of CGI puzzle cubes to hashcat
@ivan Not only was it real software, but they used it as a critical part of the storyline.
@ivan I've got news for you sweetie... You have no idea 🤣❤️ https://youtu.be/gVyCjweagJM
@Vincent_the_Plushie_Turtle @ivan definitely an interesting watch :)
@ivan during a CTF once we had to binary search each character so we wrote a solve script that showed every character randomly changing within the current known range, then once it finished printed "HACKING COMPLETE"
Have I got a treat for you.
nmap — https://nmap.org/movies/