savegames are up there with menus on the 'shit that takes a week that you thought would take an hour'-o-meter

@ivan I managed to avoid ever writing a save game system until this year. I used JSON and it was much less painful than I always imagined!

@Doomlaser @ivan It depends a lot on how thoroughly you're saving and restoring the state of the world. List of flags that represent game progression? No sweat. Bob the cacodemon fired a rocket that's about to hit and aggro Barb the imp, except Bob was gibbed three frames ago? Trouble.

@Doomlaser @ivan Oh and then there's the bonus six layers of poop trying to interpret and shoehorn in all the different console cert stuff for profile management etc, so the file goes to the right profile and storage device.


@Farbs @Doomlaser my single player games are a local client/server multiplayer game, so i have to restore the server, player client and the bot states 😭 at least the nice side-effect is that multiplayer game reconnections are automatically handled

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