
the worst thing Unity ever did was convincing a generation of game developers that rolling your own engine takes more time and effort than dealing with their bullshit

· · Web · 4 · 4 · 17 i mean, it is a time intensive pain in the ass to be fair (not in the least because your ability to avoid c/c++ entirely depends on someone having written good library bindings for your chosen language, which due to the existence of game engines isnt too common)
hehe silly string

@ivan rolling your own engine is honestly kind of a fools errand , however to do anything great you typically need to start as a fool ..

@ivan you don't have to rol your own though, Godot has you covered

@moopet i have many of the same reservations with all engines, Godot included

@ivan Goodness yes. Part of the problem is that everyone is trying to make an "engine" instead of a game. The latter is *way* easier to make, even if you start with using SDL to open a blank window.

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