masto admins: i switched my instance to use a CDN and it works great on the web, but all the media in apps is broken. I don't think it's a cache issue as it's the case with newly installed apps too. any ideas?

@ivan is this the case for both new and old media?

@neatchee yea, everything. i had to set my bucket name to . in the config as it was using s3_bucket/bucket_name/file paths and it's just s3_bucket/file for the digital ocean spaces so I suspect it may be something with how ./ in urls is handled by apps?

@ivan oh yeah, almost certainly. I would try setting it to just / instead of .


@neatchee hmm, putting anything other than a . results in a broken URL as it makes it into a // or a /// where /./ seems to work at least on the web

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@neatchee i fixed it! for some reason it was appending the bucket name to the URL if the bucket name was already in the s3 hostname, but if it wasn't in there, it was correctly inserting it into the hostname instead

@ivan Ahhhhhh that's very interesting. Good to know! Glad you got it sorted :)

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